A 3 Year Old Explains Olympic Logos

Olympic logo designers are given a very difficult task. Not only must they create something universally appealing and easily disseminated across a wide range of media, but they also need to represent the ‘spirit’ of the many diverse games being played. It’s no surprise then, that most Olympic logos come under a LOT of heat from designers and the general public (remember London 2012??). Designer Michael Raisch had seen this play out time and again, so he brought in one of the best design critics around: his 3 year old daughter.

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The Quick Movement of Musicians Captured in Colorful Light Paintings

Watch a professional violinist playing a fast composition, and their incredibly quick movements are almost a blur… but hidden in that motion is a talented dance happening before your eyes. Photographer and light painter Stephen Orlando has been capturing the movement of bow along strings using a carefully placed strip of LED lights and a long exposure photographic technique. The colorful rainbows he captures are straight from the camera, and are not manipulated in Photoshop.

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Elon Musk Says Teslas Will Soon Be Driving Themselves on the Highway

Unlike cars from just a decade ago, Teslas are able to add new features with a simple wireless software update… just like your smartphone. Already there have been improvements to the massive touchscreen on the dashboard, as well as fine tuning of the entire fleet’s suspension, and, in the last update the company says it made the car impossible to intentionally run out of range. Announced last year, Elon Musk says that the self-driving ‘Autopilot’ feature will be arriving soon.

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Tech Companies Lead the Way in Paid Parental Leave

This week Netflix announced it will provide paid parental leave to employees for up to a year after their child’s birth. This is notable not only for the extensive amount of time (common in other countries but not in the U.S.), as well as the inclusion of both fathers and mothers. In the modern workplace, tech companies are leading the way, providing comprehensive benefits to attract and retain employees.

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5 Books Every Copywriter Should Own

What do you do when you’re stuck with writer’s block or a project that you just can’t seem to crack? Get off screen, and go to your personal library to glean some inspiration from people who know what their talking about. Here are our picks for whatever ails you, whether you need a refresher on the basics or something a little left-field to spark your writing creativity.

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Popular Foods Get a Minimalist Makeover

In a series for the Daily Share, artist David Schwen deconstructs classic American food items, giving them the minimalist treatment. Carefully laid out on trays, the foods—featuring items such as a hamburger, pizza, Reuben sandwich, and hot dog—are presented in their most basic form. Ingredients never looked so artistic.

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#BrandCrush: 3 Reasons to Love (and Learn From) Patagonia

Patagonia started out as a company that made tools for climbers. They’ve proven their staying power over the years, evolving into an international multi-sport outdoors brand that champions a connection to the natural world. In a highly competitive market, this company has managed to stick to its ‘dirtbag’ roots, maintain its environmental values and grow into the fashion clothing space without trying to be a “fashion brand.”

Via - Visualnews