In 2008, The New York Times published a stunning report on veterans who had come home from Iraq and Afghanistan and then were charged with murder. At that point, the paper found 121 instances of homicide, many of them related to post-traumatic stress disorder.
In this day and age, even the average sedan is packing some serious heat under the hood. It didn't use to be like this and there was a time when even "sports cars" were listed under 150 horsepower. For those unfamiliar with the history behind the horsepower wars, follow the jump for an infographic primer from the 1960s to the present day.
Microsoft. Internet Explorer. Giants in the online browser market. Undisputed for years. But since 2003, IEs' dominance has been dropping with a whole host of new browsers vying for attention.
Sometimes it is difficult to understand the scope of American military power relative to that of the rest of the world. This graphic illustrates America's aircraft carriers, and those of the rest of the world. Each icon is an accurate depiction of the flight deck of the ship as seen from above, all to a common scale. Each of the middle column of ships is roughly the size of the Empire State Building.