How Much Sunscreen Should I Wear?

How much sunscreen should I wear?. This simple question took David McCandless, a London-based author, writer and designer on a massive journey through the data, information myths and misinformation that surround our perception of sunscreen. He calling it the Sunscreen Smokescreen.


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Flying Under The Radar: Low Cost Airlines' Hidden Costs

Many travelers choose low-cost budget airlines with the hopes of saving at least some of their hard-earned dollars. Often, however, they land on an unpleasant surprise: fees and more fees, from charges for checked. In all, once you add up the extra costs of budget airfare, you may be surprised at the scarcity of your actual savings.

In this infographic, we give you a side-by-side comparison of the most common fees charged by U.S. low-cost airlines and their European counterparts.


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The Real Cost of Your Debt

The debt you carry is not simply made up of your monthly payments and interest rates. Many other factors should be considered when you think about the real cost of your debt, including your cash flow, the terms of your loan and your borrowing behavior. Do you know what it really costs when you finance your life?


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