Isarithmic History of the Two-Party Vote

Using county-level data, this is spatially and temporally interpolated presidential vote returns for the two major party candidates in each election from 1920-2008. The result illuminates the sometimes gradual, sometimes rapid change in the geographic basis of presidential partisanship.

via James B. Duke

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Visualizing Microwaves in a Microwave Oven

Microwaves are absorbed by wires creating current in the wires which can drive a neon lamp. Marc "Zeke" Kossover high school science teacher drilled a grid into a piece of plastic and slipped in the bulbs, leaving the wires to hang out like antennas. As the plate turns, the bulbs go into and out of places where the microwave energy is denser, illuminating the bulbs. No, it doesn't seem to hurt the microwave.


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The State of Cloud Computing

Leading data visualization firm JESS3 today released "The State of Cloud Computing," which narrates the history of cloud computing and demonstrates the growing cloud economy in an interactive video. This video helps everyday folks understand that they are actually in the cloud – whether it’s through their online email account, bank account or tending to their Farmville crops while on Facebook.

(click above link to see an interactive video)

MovieReshape: Tracking and Reshaping of Humans in Videos

Three researchers (Arjun Jain, Thorsten Thorm¨ahlen, Hans-Peter Seidel and Christian Theobalt) at Germany’s Max Planck Institute have developed MovieReshape, a software program that can alter the images of people on the film in order to change their body type.

Abstract: A system for quick and easy manipulation of the body shape and proportions of a human actor in arbitrary video footage. The approach is based on a morphable model of 3D human shape and pose that was learned from laser scans of real people. The algorithm commences by spatio-temporally fitting the pose and shape of this model to the actor in either single-view or multi-view video footage. Once the model has been fitted, semantically meaningful attributes of body shape, such as height, weight or waist girth, can be interactively modified by the user. The changed proportions of the virtual human model are then applied to the actor in all video frames by performing an image-based warping. By this means, we can now conveniently perform spatio-temporal reshaping of human actors in video footage which we show on a variety of video sequences.

The software is still in development, and will not be officially debuted until Siggraph, the computer graphics conference in Seoul, South Korea that takes place in December.

The software will save costs in any instance where special effects can be employed, including in commercials, where one ad could be filmed, then the actor's body-type could be manipulated to meet local "standards of beauty".

For more information read reaearch paper (Adobe Acrobat PDF, 6.6 MB).

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Augmented Reality - The incredible world of Diminished Reality

Researchers at Technical University of Ilmenau in Germany have developed “diminished reality” software that can delete an object from live, full-motion video.

The most recent research project in the area of Diminished Reality by Jan Herling and Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology, Department of Virtual Worlds / Digital Games, 2010.

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Heart Support

Basic motion design services added to Heart Support infographics for promotional materials.
Motion Design: Kaleb Coleman; Graphics: Difted

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