Credit scores affect financial the financial habits of every individual, but have you ever considered what an entire nation’s credit score might look like?
Credit scores affect financial the financial habits of every individual, but have you ever considered what an entire nation’s credit score might look like?
Chances are divorce left your budget a little lop-sided, with much less monthly income to use in your current lifestyle. Now is the time to re-evaluate your budget, not months later when you've gotten deeper into debt and your credit has been ruined.
Should I get a divorce? A budget for the newly single.via
You may not think of your credit score as treasure, but it is. Good credit is the foundation to being able to afford the things you want a home, a car and loans for pretty much everything else.
To help you get there, Go banking rates gave you a map of how to find your own credit score treasure.via
To make sure that you make the right decision when it comes to your plastic, we've picked out the worst cards we could find so at least you know what to avoid.
Using credit cards comes with plenty of traps, but none is as deep — or easy to fall into — as minimum payments. Card issuers make it seem so easy: even if you owe thousands of dollars, you could settle that monthly bill with a minimum payment that’s just a small percentage of your actual balance. Minimum payments can be as low as 1.5%, so you could pay less than $100 on a balance that’s in the four digits!
This visualization of the disastrous effects of making minimum payments.
Not just in Soviet Russia, fraud scammers are everywhere. Here's a look at just how, and how to avoid getting scammed yourself.
Americans have a LOT of credit cards, and with that, credit card debt. Just how much, you ask? Take a look at these figures.
Ever wonder how debit cards and credit cards stack up against each other? Here's a bit of insight to both.
A visual look at the credit card situation in America, which when paired with the poor economy and high unemployment rate, has arguably reached the crisis level.