FUSE Labs SocialGadgets for Real-Time Twitter Data Dynamic Visualizations

Microsoft’s FUSE Labs latest project if focused on allowing users to get insight into Twitter real-time data, by providing a series of gadgets which are capable of enabling the dynamic visualization of information shared by the users of the social network in their tweets.

FUSE Labs SocialGadgets is now live and available for testing over at FUSE Labs, offering four gadgets (Tag Cloud, Timeline, Buzz, Comparison).

via fuse.microsoft.com

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Invisible Cities

Invisible Cities maps information from one realm - online social networks - to another: an immersive, three dimensional space. In doing so, the piece creates a parallel experience to the physical urban environment. The interplay between the aggregate and the real-time recreates the kind of dynamics present within the physical world, where the city is both a vessel for and a product of human activity. It is ultimately a parallel city of intersections, discovery, and memory, and a medium for experiencing the physical environment anew.

By revealing the social networks present within the urban environment, Invisible Cities describes a new kind of city—a city of the mind. It displays geocoded activity from online services such as Twitter and Flickr, both in real-time and in aggregate.

via www.visualcomplexity.com

Revisit: Real-time Interactive Twitter Visualization

Revisit is a real-time visualization of the latest twitter messages (tweets) around a specific topic. Use it create your own twitter wall at a conference or an ambient display at your company or whatever other idea you come up with. In contrast to other twitterwalls, it provides a sense of the temporal dynamics in the twitter stream, and emphasizes the conversational threads established by retweets and @replies.

via moritz.stefaner.eu

Real-time visualization of Wikipedia edits

You're looking at team Nodelay's entry into Node Knockout, a 48hr programming contest to explore node.js. They decided to transform the output of Wikipedia's IRC edit tracking bot into a tidy stream of JSON objects, annotated with information from external datasources, and then visualize that stream.

via nodelay.no.de
(Warning: takes lot of CPU resource; but interesting to look)