Moody's Recovery Status Map


Moody's closely tracks economic conditions in the major economies of the world and summarizes the results on this interactive map. Analysts follow a wide range of indicators to ascertain a country's position in the business cycle. Specifically, we focus on gauges of employment, industrial production and retail sales--high-frequency indicators that capture the breadth of economic activity. Countries where the indicators are dropping are labeled In Recession. Those where declines have slowed are said to be Moderating. Countries where the indicators have begun rising again are Recovering. Economies that have advanced past their previous growth peaks are labeled Expanding.

Where the Stuff on the Internet Comes From?


Every day, thousands of stories are passed around the internet on blogs and via Twitter. A new study by has examined the source of those stories. It turns out, most of them come from old-school media. We may like to share information via Twitter, but the information we share comes from the morning's newspaper. This is a look at where blogs and Twitter users are getting their stories, and what kind of stories their users are most likely to link to.

Ecosystems of the World

An infographic based around the Ecosystems of the world. Created to be used as a learning aid for children, tried to present an overview of the ecosystems. On creating this infographic discovered that Ecosystems are so complex with many different factors influencing them that it was difficult to present this in one infographic. This was the challenge in creating this graphic, which information to use to give an insight into the ecosystem while making it accessible for the audience. wanted to show an visually interesting graphic, mixing and breaking away from the vector imagery favoured in infographics at the moment. Using a pie chart as the base and mixing it with maps and photos of the different animals from that ecosystem, tried to create depth with the images and pull outs of info with the colours and shapes. With the amount of text on the graphic is was a major challenge. Hopefully it works, let me know your thoughts. Your thoughts are always welcome.

Connecting European Capitals by Train

Diagram shows the routes by train from London to capitals of Europe. This infographic inspired by the classic Tube map.

The colours of the different lines are largely fanciful, with some faint logic: The red Imperial line connects some of the notable colonial capitals - London, Paris, Rome and Berlin; the light blue line connects Balkan capitals; the dark blue connects the Scandanavian capitals.