This chart illustrates, in comparison with daily American or global consumption, five million barrels is just a drop in the (admittedly enormous) petroleum industry bucket.
This chart illustrates, in comparison with daily American or global consumption, five million barrels is just a drop in the (admittedly enormous) petroleum industry bucket.
The largest cruise ship in the world, Oasis of the Seas, arrived in December 2009 and along with her sister ship, Allure of the Seas (due this year), decided to trawl through their databanks to find out just how enormous cruise ships are these days and the kind of consumption on board.
In the United States, we take light switches and electrical sockets for granted. But how many of us know how much electricity we're using throughout the day, the week, or even the year?
The energy of our homes is one of the largest sources of energy use that exists. From electricity, to natural gas, to oil, kerosene and even wood, there are a variety of energy sources that we use to power the many appliances and energy needs of our home.
About 1.2 million people age 12 to 17 smoked cigarettes, drank alcohol or used marijuana on any given day in 2006, according to The Office of Applied Studies (OAS) in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. In addition 49,000 adolescents used inhalants, 27,000 used hallucinogens (e.g., Ecstasy and other club drugs), 13,000 used cocaine, and 3,800 used heroin. Many parents and teachers are concerned about teen drug use and are trying to educate parents and teens about the harm that using drugs can do to still-growing bodies. One place to start is by understanding which drugs teens use the most.
This chart shows current worldwide annual prevalence of cocaine in population aged 15-64 and Current Worldwide Illicit Cultivation of Coca Bush and Production of Cocaine.
This chart shows current worldwide illicit cultivation of opium poppy and production of opium; and current worldwide annual prevalence of opiates in population aged 15-64.
Beer is the world's third-most consumed beverage, losing only to water and tea in terms of popularity. And with nearly 148 billion liters produced, the people consuming all of this beer are as diverse as the beers they brew.