Packet Flight: User vs Youtube

This is a visualization of the network packets of a YouTube video, slowed down 12 times. You can clearly see the handshake, some odd client/server negotiation, and the full ramp-up.

Created using Packet Flight:

Each flying circle represents a network packet. The small green ones are control packets: ACK, SYN, etc. The larger blue ones are data packets.

The data is from a real tcpdump of the first 4 seconds of Rick Astley's music video.

The State of YouTube

YouTube is the largest online video community in the world, and one of the Internet’s most visited sites. Created in 2005, this behemoth site continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Recently we have compiled the stats on some of the most interesting aspects of the site: it’s traffic, it’s demographics breakdown,  as well as it’s most popular channels/videos — among other things. The graphic represents the current state of YouTube:
