America's Fast Food Obsession

America’s obsession with fast food has a long and interesting history. Dated back as early as the 1920’s, our need for a fast food fix has brought such icon figures as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell to every crevice of America. How far back it goes and just how obsessed America is with these delicious bites!


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A Brief History of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)

The last quartile of the 20th century was marked by a rise in software development by companies, individuals and hobbyist groups. Key among software development methodologies was a controversial yet innovative idea about giving away your software code for others to use and improve upon it.

Those new to the free and open source community may not appreciate how radical and dangerous the idea of giving away your source code for free was for people. Those that did subscribe to the ideology sacrificed tremendous profits and fame yet helped create what we now call FOSS today.

We( know and understand that there are huge bodies of FOSS history that we have missed.  But we tried to cover the primary highlights and educate our readers at the same time.  It’s a great story and one we enjoyed putting together.
