The New Marketing Trifecta

In April 2010, eROI conducted a study of more than 500 marketers. The focus of the survey was two-fold: to determine the impact of mobile marketing in email and web marketing programs; and, identifying the importance and impact of social networks in relation to their email and web marketing efforts. The end result, according to eROI, was a better understanding of how marketers were using email, mobile and social, but also new ideas for better planning for and intergration of the available opportunities. decided to illustrate the most interesting of these findings in the graphic:


The Business Behind Facebook

Prior to Facebook, people had to use detective work and old fashioned stalker technology to find out what their exes and goofball best friend from third grade was up. Those were hard times. By 2010, Facebook has inundated the earth so thoroughly that you’ll never have to rely on a shady private eye to stalk your friends and enemies again. And here are a few fact about the business behind this incredible website.


Why social media matters?

Sometimes it can be pretty difficult to adequately describe to people in your organisation why social media actually matters. Not because of the results that can be achieved, but because of the complexity of interactions involved in creating the social following that can drive those results. When we tie social media activities into the core of our digital strategy, many organisations have experienced a ‘cycle of engagement’, driving greater outreach and more interactions with their marketing campaigns. wanted to put this into an infographic which encapsulates what is going on through tying in just a couple of social media channels.


The ups and downs of social networks

Facebook has announced that it now has 500m active users, just six years after it was launched. The site has become the poster child of social networking on the web. While some others have seen growth, MySpace, Flickr and Bebo appear to have declined in the past year, according to these figures from Nielsen. Interesting international variations are seen, both in the amount of time Facebook users spend on the site each month and in the competing networks' popularity in different countries.
