Better World Flux

Better World Flux, a beautiful interactive visualization of information on what really matters in life. It visually communicates the world state in terms of standards of living and quality of life for many countries and how this has changed, and mostly improved, over a period of up to 50 years. This site is a tool for building a consensus, telling a story and sharing it, all whilst raising awareness for the UN Millennium Development Goals.

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Which Countries Are Making the Most Progress on the Millennium Development Goals

Countries around the world are working hard to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The Overseas Development Institute's Millennium Development Goals Report Card: Measuring Progress Across Countries recently ranked the countries that have made significant on key targets of the first, fourth, and fifth goals. The rankings are in terms of absolute progress toward the targets, meaning that countries that have improved by the largest margins (from first measurement), regardless of initial conditions (and distance from the targets).


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The Millennium Development Goals: Progress so far

Millennium development goal one is to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty. This grid overlays the percentage of the population who are malnourished with the size of the country's GDP per capita in 1990. To see how this has changed click ‘latest’ option below. Hover over a country to bring up information on additional goals such as maternal mortality and access to clean water.

(click here to see an interactive graphics)

Published on Power of Data Visualization. Note: If you read this via Email or Feed-reader click Permalink below to download bigger image.