Facebook recently passed 500 million users. If the growth rate of the world’s largest and fastest growing social network could be applied to solar, it would only take 4.7 years to power the entire world with solar energy.
via 1bog.org
The company that once proclaimed, "don't be evil" now adds... "unless its good for the shareholders". From scanning and retaining info to censoring the internet.
via www.focus.com
A look and reflection at the changes in human communication.
via Mina Liu
Prior to Facebook, people had to use detective work and old fashioned stalker technology to find out what their exes and goofball best friend from third grade was up. Those were hard times. By 2010, Facebook has inundated the earth so thoroughly that you’ll never have to rely on a shady private eye to stalk your friends and enemies again. And here are a few fact about the business behind this incredible website.
via www.skitzone.com
Facebook reached its 500 million member milestone and celebrated the event with the launch of Facebook Stories.
via mashable.com