Capzule PHR

Data visualization helps users to analyze and compare health data and events for any given period of time. Users may select from multiple sets of data and visualize in an interactive timeline format for easy browsing with finger swipes.

Capzule Introduces Interactive Time Line to Personal Health Data on iPad. It is also the first personal health record on the iPhone platform to allow editing from a PC over Wi-Fi, including the capability to upload files via a web browser. The Share feature has expanded to allow data transfer between iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices, making it easier to copy data to a family member's device, to an upgraded device, or to replicate in multiple devices. The most unique aspect of Capzule PHR is the ability for users to customize a personal set of health monitoring templates to record health conditions. These Flowsheets report a visual progress of health goals using points plotted on a graph.

Capzule PHR is available on the App Store for $4.99.


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10 Ways Data is Changing How We Live

This article from the telegraph in the UK, how the availability of new sets of data has changed the way we live our lives.

Here are 10 (Shopping, Relationships, Business deliveries, Maps, Education, Politics, Society, war, Avertising and Linked data and the future) examples of data which have changed everything from how we assess wars to how companies deliver milk. The examples of data mentioned in this article are innovative, exciting and life changing, but the best is yet to come


Weaving Baskets from Weather Data

An artist named Nathalie Miebach has some unusual inspiration for the sculptures and music that she creates -- data from meteorological and astronomical instruments and ecological surveys.

Miebach likes to collect the data herself, spending hours and days in the field trying to understand complex, dynamic relationships between different variables in an environment. The key, she says, often isn't to examine the numbers on the instrument -- it's to observe the different things that are going on around you.



Mondrian is a general purpose statistical data-visualization system. It features outstanding visualization techniques for data of almost any kind, and has its particular strength compared to other tools when working with Categorical Data, Geographical Data and LARGE Data.

All plots in Mondrian are fully linked, and offer various interactions and queries. Any case selected in a plot in Mondrian is highlighted in all other plots.

Currently implemented plots comprise Mosaic Plot, Scatterplots and SPLOM, Maps, Barcharts, Histograms, Missing Value Plot, Parallel Coordinates/Boxplots and  Boxplots y by x.

Mondrian works with data in standard tab-delimited or comma-separated ASCII files and can load data from R workspaces. There is basic support for working directly on data in Databases (please contact me for further info).

Mondrian is written in JAVA and is distributed as native application (wrapper) for MacOS X and Windows. Linux users need to start the jar-file.

The latest version can be downloaded here.