Twitter Statistics for 2010, Compared with 2009

Sysomos is the leading provider of social media monitoring and analytics technology release of a new report taking a look at how people are using Twitter, and it compares with a year ago. they examined 1.02 billion tweets made by 20.3 million Twitter users. Some of the highlights of the report include:

  • 44% of the total Twitter population joined between January 2009 and Aug 2010.
  • 82% of Twitter users now provide a name, compared with 33% in 2009.
  • 73% provide location information compared with 44% in 2009.
  • 63.3% now provide a bio, compared with 31% in 2009.
  • 45% of users submit a Web site address, compared with 22% in 2009.
  • 80.6% have made fewer than 500 tweets.
  • 22.5% have accounted for about 90% of all activity.
  • Users with more than 100 friends has increased by three-fold to 21% since 2009.
  • Justin Bieber is one of top two-word phrases and top name in user’s bios.
  • An in-depth report at Twitter´s Growth 2010, compared with 2009

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