How Much is a College Degree Worth?

This infographic highlights how the value of degrees have been overstated in many publicly shared figures. Further the economics of "going to school"
are over-stated because 30% of freshman drop out and 50% of college students never graduate. There is no doubt going after a degree can change
your life, but if you don't have follow through it might change it in a way you later regret!

Cats vs. Dogs

Their war is endless, don't let the videos and pics you see of dogs and cats cleaning each other or cuddling together fool you. Theirs is a battle that shall be waged for all eternity. So while we wait for the inevitable Dogpocalypse and Catmageddon, let's better understand the creatures we call our lovable pets.

The State of Wireless Satisfaction in the US

Virtually everyone has a cell phone and wireless plan. The difference in the number of dropped calls and cell phone reception can depend on many factors, including location and the wireless carrier. A recent survey of wireless customers pulled back the curtain on which wireless carriers are making their customers the happiest and which ones could stand to do a bit better if they expect customer loyalty and the profits that come with it.

Drugged Culture

The pharmaceutical industry spends a lot of money marketing their newest psychiatric drugs to Americans. And we take a lot of them. In fact, in 2009 alone, U.S. doctors wrote more psychiatric prescriptions than there are people in this country. This is a look at 2009's 10 most prescribed pyschiatric drugs, in both their brand-name and generic forms

The Anatomy of a TV Buyer

TV sales are alive and well. And the behavior surrounding a TV purchase itself has changed Not only are people are now buying their TVs online more ever before, they are also spending more time researching before making a purchase. The types of TVs being purchased are also changing, with LCDs now accounting for the majority of all TVs purchased in America.